Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Clean-Out-the-Fridge food

On the NY Times Bitten blog a while back was a post that I think of often when I have leftovers entitled "Creating the Garbage Plate." I have to agree with others who've noted that 'garbage plate' is not a very appetizing name for this phenomenon.

Anyway, this was my cleaning-out-the-fridge lunch today. I had some recently cooked chickpeas, about a cup of recently de-frosted tomato sauce, and fillings from the manicotti I made the other day (thinly sliced mushrooms, a little bit of tofu ricotta). I just threw it all in a pan together for a few minutes on medium heat, and I have to say, it was pretty good.

I blended the remaining chickpeas up into hummus that didn't turn out tasting like any hummus I've ever tried (some fresh thyme leaves I added introduced a foreign flavor), but I think if you're not after "real" hummus it's pretty alright.

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