Sunday, May 18, 2008

Everyone has talent.

What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads."

-Erica Jong

from the book "The Lie that Tells a Truth: A Guide to Writing Fiction," by John Dufresne.

Monday, May 12, 2008


"Turning something into a ritual eliminates the question, Why am I doing this?"

-from the book "The Creative Habit," by Twyla Tharp

I'm hoping to set up some of my own creative rituals.

Websites to check out:

Bitten - NY Times food blog. Bonus: almost every time I check it, new stuff is up.
Life, Love and Food - food and writing happily married

It'll have to be a food duo then. Too bad; I so wanted to have an odd number.

Occasional art, comics, food, and other things of less interest to the general public.